TRESOR COLOMBIEN S.A.S., as a company committed to the safety of its employees and customers, is aware of the emergency that the world is currently facing due to the health emergency generated by the pandemic caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus, which, as a threat of biological origin, has been affecting along with its different variants, the health and life condition of the world population. For this reason and as a support to the communication plan established in our biosecurity protocols, we share the measures established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection that have shown greater evidence for the containment of the transmission of the virus, relying on the commitment of all to make these practices, self-care actions that ensure the safety and welfare of the people involved in the provision of our tourism services.
The measures that have shown the most evidence for the containment of transmission are:
Mental Health Care
Hand washing and hygiene
Physical distancing
Use of Face Masks
Proper ventilation
Cleaning and disinfection
Waste Management
Tips for Mental Health Care

Rest properly
Eating Healthy
Keep your mind busy
Project positive thoughts
Maintain communication with other people
Set Goals
Do not exceed the use of new technologies
Asking for help when needed

SURA Hotlines
Bogotá 6014378888.
Cali 6024378888.
Medellín 6044378888.
From cell phone #888.
National Line 192 Option 4 Travel Insurance
Hand washing
Wash at least every 3 hours and after contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated by another person (handles, handrails, locks, transportation), after going to the bathroom, handling money, and before and after eating.

Hand hygiene
This is used once the hands have been properly washed and are completely dry.

Physical distancing
It is recommended to avoid agglomerations in open and closed spaces, defining strategies that guarantee physical distancing and minimize the concentration of people in the same place, such as: opening hours, operating shifts, reservation systems.

These same conditions must apply in the places where they consume food (for example: dining rooms, cafeterias, food courts, restaurants, etc.) and in general in the rest places of employees and tourists.
Use of face masks
Its use is mandatory in public transport and in areas with a massive influx of people.
In closed spaces, the use of face masks is mandatory.
In bars and restaurants in closed spaces, the mask must be removed only to eat and drink, the remaining time must be covering the mouth and nose.
Cloth masks can be used and must be washed after daily use.
Try not to touch the mask during use.
The mask can be used for 8 hours continuously, as long as it is not broken, dirty or wet, in any of those conditions it must be removed, removed and a new one placed.

Proper ventilation
If possible, keep doors and windows open to achieve natural air exchange.
Avoid groups of people in places with low ventilation.
In hot places, in addition to natural ventilation with open doors and windows, conventional fans can be used.
It is not recommended to stay for long periods of time in closed spaces without adequate ventilation.

Cleaning and disinfection
We should all keep our personal items such as glasses and cell phones disinfected and not lend them, for this it is always required to have alcohol, antibacterial gel, paper towels or single-use wipes.
Have plastic bags to dispose of the waste generated in case there are no containers nearby for this final disposal.
Avoid the exchange of work items and personal protective equipment with other people. If it is necessary to share them, perform disinfection, price for use.

Proper management of Biosafety waste
For the final disposal of waste and personal protection elements, avoid contact with the lid of the cans and their container, if you have contact, wash your hands and/or disinfect them with alcohol gel.

Waste must be thrown into the non-usable bin (black container), in no case deposit used PPE in bins or bags arranged for usable and recyclable waste (white container), or organic waste (green container).
Face masks and gloves must be separated in a double black bag, and must also be separated from usable waste such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal that are unoccupied and dry, which go in the white bag.
Symptom Detection and Reporting

Each person is aware of their state of health, for this it is essential to self-monitor where symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or other acute respiratory infections can be identified.
It is also necessary to attend to the temperature taking and response to symptom surveys when entering both public and private places, also attending to the specific biosafety protocols of each activity.