Prevention of social risks, discrimination and exclusion of communities
CSEC Sexual exploitation of children and adolescents associated with travel and tourism
It consists of the sexual offering and/or use of children by people who travel from one country to another, or between cities in the same country.
The operators make use of the facilities offered by the tourist industry (hotels, bars, nightclubs, etc.).
These criminal sexual exploitation activities are arranged informally among friends or colleagues, pedophiles or not, and in some cases with the participation of travel agents, guides, cab drivers, among others, who are directly and indirectly involved.
Fundación Renacer Campaign
Racism, discrimination, exclusion from work and social segmentation
Tourism is a social phenomenon that attracts millions of people worldwide to visit different parts of the world, in many cases in these encounters between tourists and local communities, a negative impact is generated by the hand of racist and discriminatory behavior by people who travel without respecting the social and cultural conditions of the site, generating discomfort and distrust in its inhabitants, as well as by the locals towards the traveler.

Discrimination against persons with disabilities
Law 1752 of 2015, from its purpose, contemplates disability by stating that it seeks to “criminally punish acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political or philosophical ideology, sex or sexual orientation, disability and other reasons of discrimination”.

With Law 1752 of 2015, the Penal Code has an article 134A, which determines that anyone who arbitrarily impedes, obstructs or restricts the full exercise of the rights of people due to disability, will incur a prison sentence of 12 to 36 months and a fine of 10 to 15 legal minimum monthly wages in force.
It also incorporated article 134B into the Penal Code, which punishes harassment due to disability, determining that whoever promotes or instigates acts, conducts or behaviors constituting harassment, aimed at causing physical or moral harm to a person, group of persons, community or people, due to disability, shall incur a prison term of 12 to 36 months and a fine of 10 to 15 legal monthly minimum wages in force.